Project Management
Project Management
Project Management is the discipline of planning, organising, and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. Fifty percent of all technology projects are classified as unsuccessful. The main reasons for this statistic are poor business requirement definitions and poor project management. Without an experienced project manager even small scale projects can quickly come unstuck. As with all job roles there is a very specific set of skills involved in being a good project manager. Very often companies neglect to identify and build such skills.
In Eirtight we pride ourselves on being forward thinking and organised. Our software development methodology is called Agile Development or Iterative Development. Essentially this means that we break a software project down into manageable pieces which are allocated 3-4 week long “sprints”. At the end of each sprint we present the completed software requirements to the customer for review. At this point the customer gives us feedback on areas to improve and change based on their growing understanding of how their business solution is becoming a reality.
We find most experienced business managers need to be able to visualise a software solution before their real intellect and experience is drawn out to improve the solution. Therefore we repeat this cycle of Define, Create, Review until such time as the software solution is what the customer needs. Often times the finished product is different from what the client thought they needed initially. It is this process of allowing the software developers and business managers to get together in a structured and regular fashion which delivers the key benefit in an Eirtight software project. This process is always facilitated by an experienced project manager who is skilled in getting the best out of this opportunity.
We use a variety of software project management tools and systems including MS Project, online document sharing, business requirements capturing tools & customer facing bug logging tools in order to cover all possible interactions with our customers during and after a project. These tools do not replace direct communication via face to face meetings, telephone conference calls, instant messenger chats and email but they do enhance the quality of information within the project. Very often the speed of information flow and the number of parties to inform can strangle a project.
Eirtight has extensive experience in working on projects of different sizes, from small software projects or online tools, to departmental software projects and larger transaction intensive software systems for multinational clients. All of these projects require a dedication to quality, a focus on timelines and adherence to budget constraints. Eirtight delivers in all these areas.