Software Design and Development

Software Design and Development



It’s about applying proven processes to ensure a well-planned, well-executed project delivers what your business actually needs.

Whether you need to add reporting to an existing system, or you’re having trouble with a legacy SQL system, or you want to migrate your entire business to the cloud, it needs to be done right first time. Working with Eirtight on a software project is like a breath of fresh air, particularly if you’ve had a bad experience with other teams. We really know what we’re doing, and this will be apparent as soon as you talk to us.

So what can you expect when you work with us?

Custom software development can be a complex business. On average in the industry, only 32% of corporate software projects are a delivered successfully. Thirty-two per cent! At Eirtight, 100% of our projects are successful, and the reason for this is because we are obsessively organised and use advanced project management and development processes to make sure we deliver every single time. If you’re ready to talk about how we can help you with your project, get in touch.

Or you can drop us a line directly: